Sunday 27 November 2016

Cold Causes and Symptoms of your Baby

Babies get so many colds because their immune system isn't yet ready to fight off the 100 or so viruses that cause these infections. The cold virus spreads through the air when someone who's sick coughs or sneezes. It also lands on surfaces such as toys and tables. When babies touch these surfaces and then put their hands in their mouths -- which they do a lot -- they give the cold virus an easy entry route.

Babies often pick up colds at day care. Or they can catch it from older brothers and sisters who bring the virus home from school -- or from grown-ups who shook hands with someone who should have stayed home from work.


Babies start to show signs of a cold about 1 to 3 days after they're infected. Symptoms in young children can include:

Stuffy nose
Runny nose, which should be clear at first but may turn yellow or green
Reduced appetite
Trouble sleeping
Vomiting, diarrhea

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