Sunday 27 November 2016

Treatment and Prevention of Cold for your Baby


Colds don't need to be treated. They usually go away on their own after a few days. Antibiotics won't work because they kill bacteria, and in this case, viruses are to blame.

You’ll naturally want to calm your baby's symptoms. But don't give over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to infants and toddlers. These products don't work well in kids under 6 years, and they can cause dangerous side effects in young children. The FDA advises against using them at all in children younger than 4.

To bring down a fever and make your child more comfortable, you can use acetaminophen (Children's Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Children's Motrin or Advil) if she's over 6 months old. Read the package to make sure you give the right dose for her weight and age.

Never give a child any medicine that contains aspirin. It can raise the risk for a rare but serious disease called Reye's syndrome.

To help your little one feel better, let her get lots of rest and try one of these home remedies:

Extra fluids. Nurse your infant more often. In babies over 6 months, you can also give water and 100% fruit juice. The added fluid will prevent dehydration and keep your child’s nose and mouth moist.

Spray saline and suck out mucus. If your baby has trouble breathing through a stuffed nose, spray a few drops of a saline (saltwater) solution into each nostril to loosen the mucus. Then use a bulb syringe to remove the mucus. Squeeze the bulb and then place the tip into your child's nostril. Release the bulb to gently suction out the mucus. Wash the tip of the syringe with soap and water after each use. If you make your own saline solution, use distilled water or boiled tap water.

Turn on a humidifier.  A cool-mist humidifier will add moisture to the air and keep your baby's nose from drying out. Wash out the machine after each use to prevent bacteria and mold buildup.


Unfortunately, you can't prevent every cold, especially during the winter months when these viruses often circulate. But you can lower your baby's risk of getting sick with these tips:

Ask anyone who's sick to stay away from your home.
Keep your baby away from crowded places where there are lots of germs.
Wash your hands often during the day. Ask anyone who holds your baby to also wash their hands.
Clean your baby's toys often with soap and water.
Don't let anyone use your baby's cup, utensils, or towels.
Tell older children to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, instead of into the air.
Don't let anyone smoke near your child. Cigarette smoke can make your baby more likely to get sick.

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